One-Week Treatment

One-Week Treatments

Dr. Lovette is one of the few psychologists in Florida who offers a condensed cognitive-behavioral treatment, called intensive treatments. Conducted over a period of 3 to 5 days, 4-8 hours a day, these treatments provide up to 10 months of weekly treatment in one week! When you need to overcome your problems quickly, Intensive Treatment is a good option. Programs are available for Depression, Generalized Anxiety, Panic Disorder, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Contact Dr. Lovette today to find out if you qualify for this specialized treatment program.

do you qualify?

Intensive treatment programs are only appropriate for a small percentage of people. These are some characteristics of people who qualify for Dr. Lovette's One-Week Treatment programs:

    • Highly motivated and committed to making changes quickly
    • Able to spend hours at a time focusing on distressing emotions and behaviors
    • No significant medical or substance misuse problems
    • Symptoms are not part of a pattern that stem from personality issues
    • No psychosis or cognitive problems that would inhibit learning
    • Financial ability to pay, since insurance companies do not cover intensive treatments
    • Ability to travel and pay for meals and lodging if you do not live locally